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4.0 ( 3040 ratings )
Developer: Be360

Binkt provides you with local merchants offering loyalty programs and special deals.
You will be able to get free rewards doing what you already do and discover great local deals at your favorite merchant.

The "Discover" tab will allow you to discover loyalty programs and deals close to you, adjust the distance you want to go from your current location, up to 124 miles or 200 kms.

Offers are loyalty programs offering you a chance to get free rewards based on what you buy.

Deals are great offers such as a buy one get one free special.

All will allow you to browse both loyalty programs and deals.

Once you join a loyalty program, you can access it by going to "Wallet", from there you can pick the merchant that you are visiting and get your stamp for your free reward.

Once you join a deal, you can access it by going to "Redeem", from there you can pick the merchant that you are visiting and get your deal, but beware :) Once you click on redeem, you have 1 minute to show it to the merchant, so make sure to be at the cashier before redeeming.

In the settings panel, you will be able to see how many total stamps you have, how many times you redeemed deals and rewards and your last stamp activity. You will be able to edit your information and your preferences as well as accessing our FAQs, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Refer a Business and Contact us.